Ylore Supplier Standards Policy for Self-Guided Tour Creators

At Ylore, our mission is to provide travelers with authentic, meaningful experiences through high-quality self-guided tours. As a creator on the Ylore platform, you play a vital role in shaping these experiences. To ensure that all content meets the expectations of our users, we have established a set of standards that each tour must adhere to before being published.

This Supplier Standards Policy outlines the content requirements, quality expectations, and Ylore’s approach to maintaining these standards.

1. Quality and authenticity of content

To maintain the integrity of Ylore’s platform, all self-guided tours must reflect the following principles:


Genuine experiences: Tours should provide users with an authentic representation of the locations and experiences described. Misrepresentation of facts or embellishments that distort reality will not be tolerated.

Local and cultural accuracy: Tours should respect the cultural, historical, and social context of the destinations featured. Inaccurate or insensitive content may be removed.

Content originality

Original creations: All content, including text, video, audio, and images, must be original or licensed for use by the creator. Ylore will not tolerate plagiarism or the unauthorized use of copyrighted materials.

Engagement: Tours should engage users through compelling narratives, clear instructions, and useful insights. Users should feel that the tour provides a meaningful connection to the location.

Information accuracy

Up-to-Date Information: All factual information must be accurate at the time of publication. Creators are expected to review and update their tours periodically to account for changes in locations, access restrictions, or other important details.

2. Content quality expectations

Ylore expects self-guided tours to meet high standards in terms of presentation and usability. The following elements are required for all tours:

Multimedia standards

Clear and professional media: Images, videos, and audio must be of high resolution and quality, free of excessive noise, blur, or distortion.

Narration: For tours utilizing AI-powered text-to-speech features, creators must ensure clarity, accuracy, and that the narrative enhances the user’s experience.

User experience

Intuitive flow: Tours should be logically structured, with clear guidance from one point of interest to the next. Users should not feel confused or lost while following the tour.

Accessibility: Tours should cater to a diverse range of users, offering multi-language options where possible and utilizing Ylore’s AI-powered tools for accessibility.

Content richness

Depth of information: Tours should go beyond superficial descriptions and offer in-depth insights. Users should gain a greater appreciation for the destination through your expertise and storytelling.

Meaningful interaction: Content should encourage users to interact with the destination in meaningful ways, whether through specific activities, historical context, or unique observations.

3. Compliance and review process

Ylore is committed to working with creators to ensure all content meets our standards. The following outlines our process for content review and compliance:

Initial review

Upon submission, all tours undergo an internal review process by Ylore’s quality assurance team. Tours will be evaluated based on the criteria set forth in this policy, including accuracy, originality, and overall user experience.

Substandard content

Collaboration for improvement: If a submitted tour does not meet Ylore’s standards, our team will collaborate with the creator to identify areas for improvement. This may involve providing specific feedback or recommendations for enhancing content quality.

Ample time for revision: Creators will be given a reasonable timeframe to make the necessary revisions. Ylore will offer support and guidance where needed.

Non-compliance and final decision

Failure to meet standards: If a creator is unable to bring the content up to Ylore’s standards after revisions, or if the content remains below the quality threshold, Ylore reserves the right to refuse publication of the tour on our platform.

Content removal: Ylore also reserves the right to remove any published tours from our platform that are found to no longer meet these standards, whether due to outdated information, negative user feedback, or declining quality over time.

Final discretion: Ylore maintains final discretion over whether a tour meets the required standards. While we strive to work with creators in good faith, the ultimate decision on whether a tour is listed on our platform rests with Ylore.

4. Continuous improvement and feedback

At Ylore, we believe in continuous improvement and encourage creators to regularly refine and update their tours. To support this:

User feedback: Creators will have access to user reviews and feedback, which can serve as valuable insights for improving their tours.

Ongoing collaboration: Our team is available to assist creators with technical issues, content enhancement, and staying aligned with platform updates.

5. Commitment to excellence

Ylore is dedicated to providing a platform that delivers high-quality, authentic, and memorable experiences for users. By adhering to these standards, creators not only contribute to the success of the platform but also enhance their reputation and reach within a global travel community.

Thank you for your commitment to creating outstanding content and being part of the Ylore creator community. Together, we can offer travelers the very best in self-guided exploration.

This Supplier Standards Policy ensures that both Ylore and our creators maintain a level of excellence that benefits our users. By focusing on quality, authenticity, and user experience, we can create a sustainable and valuable platform for creators and explorers alike.

Last updated 1 October 2024

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