Photo like a pro

The visual age

In today’s world, visuals reign supreme. People tend to look at the image first, and then at the content. Why? It’s more visually appealing and requires less effort. Digital fatigue has made this choice for us. Therefore, if you plan on incorporating photos and videos in your content, it’s crucial to make them count. Each image should be able to tell a story on its own, without any supporting text. It’s the text that should tell the story around the images.


Prior preparation prevents poor performance. Enough said. Before you head out and create a tour, make sure you have what you need. Check, test and check again.

 Key tips

The rule of thirds

Do you want to take more captivating photos? Try using the 3×3 grid principle to enhance your composition and achieve balance. Each intersection of the grid is a point of interest, so be mindful when positioning people or objects within your frame.

To make your portraits more engaging, it’s best to avoid placing the person’s face in the center of the shot. Instead, try positioning them on the left or right third of the grid. This creates a more intriguing composition that adds visual interest to the image.


Avoid shooting on overcast days unless it’s part of the story, or without LED lighting when people are the subject. Drab photos get passed over.

Time it

Are you tired of the same old selfie angle with your arm outstretched? We’ve all been there. Why not try something new? Mount your phone on a tripod and flip the camera so you can see yourself. Set the timer and get ready to strike a pose! The timer allows you a few seconds to capture a wider shot without your arm in the way. Get creative with different poses and angles. Play around with framing yourself on one side or the other, or try stepping closer or farther away from the camera. Have fun with it!

Close-up Shots

Are your social media posts lacking variety? Don’t just stick to wide shots – mix things up. While beginners often take a lot of wide shots, it’s important to incorporate close-ups as well. Instead of capturing an entire beach, try focusing on a shore bird. Rather than taking a full-body shot to showcase an outfit, zoom in on the intricate details of a bracelet. Adding close-up shots to your feed will keep your audience engaged and curious for more.

Flattering Selfies

Looking your best on camera is easy with these simple tricks. To achieve a slimming effect, hold your camera slightly higher than your eyeline and look up at it. For product review videos, mount your camera on a tripod and angle it downward. A circular selfie light can enhance your lighting, while photo editing software can improve your appearance by reducing wrinkles, removing oily skin, and brightening your face. Remember, moderation is key – don’t overdo it and find the perfect balance.

Capturing the Perfect Shot in Bright Sunlight

While a bright sunny day can seem like the perfect chance to snap some great photos, harsh light can create a washed-out background. To avoid this issue, try positioning your subject in a shaded area that is facing the light source. This will guarantee an even lighting across the subject and minimize the direct impact of the sunlight.

Bird’s Eye View

Have you ever tried taking a photo from above an object? This is known as a flat lay, and it’s an excellent way to capture stunning images from a unique perspective. The first step is to choose a simple backdrop like a table, desk, or bed, and then add some props to the scene. For a more interesting visual, consider adding a tablecloth. Taking it up a notch, you can use this technique to create beautiful graphics. Use a graphics platform like Canva to import the overall layout and add text or other design elements. The possibilities are endless, and the results are sure to be impressive.

Remove unwanted objects from the shot

Ditch the clutter. You were at that gorgeous mountain rice paddy field and captured a great sunset, but the snap has an object or person in it you don’t want. Use photo editing software to remove the unwanted. Canva works well.

Blur your background

Enhance your photos by blurring the background with Portrait Mode on your iPhone. Busy backgrounds can detract from the image’s impact, but this feature automatically adjusts the background to ensure that your subject is front and center.

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