Tips to creating a super tour

Define your audience 

In order to be successful in the tour industry, it’s essential to determine who your product is aimed at and what problems it solves. Consider the following problems that customers may have when seeking a tour:

  • They want to see the highlights without any of the mundane aspects.
  • They crave excitement and engagement, particularly if they’re on vacation or have free time.
  • Time constraints often limit the amount of sightseeing that can be done.
  • Travel weariness can set in, especially when traveling internationally.
  • Language barriers can be a significant obstacle for tourists, and they prefer to have content available in their native language.
  • Sharing photo-worthy moments on social media is a top priority for many.
  • Lack of access to resources can make it challenging for foreigners or those unfamiliar with the area to learn about the local culture and language.

Before launching a tour, it’s crucial to address some fundamental questions. Here are five key things to consider:

  • What is the tour about? What problem does it aim to solve for customers?
  • Who is the target audience?
  • What sets your tour apart from others? What’s your competitive edge?
  • Have you determined the mode of transportation for the tour-takers and their accessibility to the tour points?
  • Have you factored in the tour’s distance and duration, taking into account the target audience?

You are a storyteller 

Tour-takers nowadays are looking for more than just a walkthrough of your stops – they want to truly experience them. By sharing the local lore and legends, rumors or anecdotes, and fun facts, you can elevate their experience from simply a stop to a destination. It’s the little details that make all the difference.


You have one. So let it shine. This is your show. Be you, not a version of what you think people want to see. People appreciate authenticity.


Create a tour that flows, without too long a break in between tour location markers.


Take the time to get the facts, or tell the story as you know it.

Create value 

To stand out from the competition, it’s important to offer something that can’t be found elsewhere. Whether you’re a visual artist or a wordsmith, everyone has something valuable to bring to the table. Play to your strengths and consider what you can offer, that can’t be found through a simple online search.

Design offers 

Everyone loves an experience or a bonus. Leverage your network. Organize access to areas people normally can’t go, get a bonus biscotti with that world famous coffee brew. People appreciate it and it will be reflected in the reviews.


When creating content, it’s essential to strike a balance between being informative and educational, while also entertaining your audience. Keep in mind that you are writing for your customers, so ask yourself if you would enjoy the content, as a user of the app.

Vary the content format 

Engage and explain using a variety of channels. Don’t just use all video or all text. Give people an experience that is different from an internet search.

 Break it up 

Give people the opportunity to be a local. Offer pop up stops for food and drink. People appreciate the local knowledge and insight on food and drink. This is what separates your tour, from an internet search.

Credit where credit is due 

If you quote or use sources that are not your own, make sure you credit the content. If you don’t there could be trouble brewing. You are legally responsible for ensuring the content is credited when it’s not yours.


Tips for Clear and Effective Writing:

  • Be concise and direct
  • Keep your content short and to the point
  • Use simple language where possible for easy understanding
  • Avoid indirect or ambiguous language as it may not translate correctly


Be aware that other people aren’t you. Be aware of how different cultures view men and women and how alcohol is portrayed. Example, for Islamic audiences, alcohol and pork are a no no. People travel to have fun and explore. Don’t create controversy when there’s no need.

Photo opportunities 

Think about where people can take the best photos or videos for those vacation memorable moments.

Test the tour 

Once you have built a tour, test it. Make sure everything works and you have covered all the content you need for a person to have a great time.

Keep it fresh 

Regularly check the content of the tour. Things change. Don’t get people excited about the worlds best satay, only to find the vendor bought a shop two years ago. People get upset and it leads to lower tour ratings. Keep it fresh. 

Package the distance and content 

Vacationers are often pressed for time, and international travel can leave them feeling exhausted. That being said, it’s essential to focus your tours on a specific area to allow for maximum sightseeing and experiences within a short timeframe. It’s best to aim for a duration of 1-2 hours to keep things manageable.

Word from our Founder

Living in New York City, I’ve crafted tours for the Ylore app that have introduced me to new experiences and sights. This is the beauty of travel and exploration. We value your contributions to Ylore and, more importantly, hope you enjoy the process of sharing your knowledge with others.

Brett Williams 


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